

9 Things You Can Clean While Working Remotely

A mass pandemic hit us all over the world in early 2020. For safety’s sake, as many people as possible are staying home and working remotely. And fortunately or otherwise, cleaning is recommended during any pandemic, to try and make your home less pandemic-y.

How to Clean Your House Using Bleach

Did you know that according to the average expenditure report that “in 2018, the average expenditure on laundry and cleaning supplies in the United States amounted to…

How Using a Cleaning Schedule Can Keep Your Home at its Best

Cleaning your home can feel a lot like therapy. Cleaning is named as one of the top active stress relievers. So, if you put the task that way, putting together a busy cleaning schedule could be your therapy session If you’re running short on timing, always feel free to call TLC Cleaning for your home cleaning needs. That’s what we call, “thinking positively!”

However, personal health and well being isn’t the only reason for putting together a cleaning schedule for your home is essential! Keeping things tidy also helps maintain your home; keep it at its best.